My HELLO KITTY display shelf UPDATED
By Amanda, Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Ironically, this is the bigger Hello Kitty display shelf, next time I’ll post a picture of the smaller display shelf.

Amanda Drifts,
Amanda Lam,
amanda loves hello kitty,
Hello Kitty,
hello kitty coin bank,
hello kitty cube,
hello kitty friends,
hello kitty halloween,
hello kitty janome,
hello kitty mcdonalds,
hello kitty monopoly,
hello kitty mugs,
Hello kitty plush,
hello kitty sewing machine,
hello kitty three apples water,
hello kitty ty,
hello kitty wedding,
hello kitty wine,
hello kitty yogurtland,
janome hello kitty sewing machine,
sanrio cube,
sanrio cube plush,
sanrio hello kitty
Is that a hello kitty sewing machine??!! when did you get that?