Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Surprisingly, I needed to get my daily smogged. I thought 2014 was still a fairly new car to avoid this, nope. Luckily, I did a quick yelp search and find H-1 Smog in TORRANCE, CA. I love the fact that I was in and out in 10 mins without even getting out of my car. […]
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
These are my spare drifting wheels, aren’t they so pretty. I went through this phase of liking bronze wheels. Would it be weird to get white te37s? A but much?
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Oh my god. The AC stopped working on Michelle, my s13 hatch. I am so sad, just had the parts installed and AC charged back in March/April 2021. Apparently, the S14 high pressure AC line busted. It’s been replaced now, thanks Gabe. Now it’s in the shop to get a thorough test of why its […]
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
You can catch driving my hatch on the weekends to unplug from adulting responsibilities. I can’t wait until I get a 997 so I can switch between the two. Not sure why I am RBF.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Daisy does look like a car model. She’s up for hire only on paid gigs (treats and steak included).
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Opened my garage and saw a flat tire on my TE37 wheels. I almost cried when I saw this… $750 wheel + the tire and mounting $50 = $800. It cost $15 to patch the tire, there was a hole from rock chips or something. Volk Racing TE37 wheels are not cheap. I am basically […]
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Recently, I’ve come to realize I love getting behind the wheel and driving. Albeit car meets, drifting events, errands or what have you, I am in. I am so serious with my RBF behind the wheel though. I can’t phantom being a passenger anymore unless it’s in an Uber/Lyft/being chauffeured around in unknown territory.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
After being in quarantine for over a year, I got so used to staying at home and being a homeboy. With that being said, it’s so hard to go anywhere far without my mom and Daisy. It’s nice to find a nearby tire shop, restaurants, markets and etc. I needed to get some tires mounted […]
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
I always love checking out cars, what can I say I am a total car geek. Last week, me and my friends were invited to check out a privately owned car collection. Andrew, your collection is AMAZING!! It’s a collection I only dream of, now I need to drive one of the cars in your […]
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Gold and Bronze FTW! Over the years, I realized where my money went… Into car parts and material items. Case and point, I found six gold Gram Light Wheels and two bronze Rays Engineering Wheels. I am sitting on $$. I never want to sell them unless I am in dire need of cash .
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Always amazed at all the unique cars that come out to Griffith Cars & Coffee. You get a little of everything in car diversity. I am in car Heaven!
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Funny story. Chester messaged me after seeing me post about my mom and her marijuana plants about having a few clippings. Of course, anything for my Porsche people! He asked what I wanted in return and I said to take your Porsche for a spin. Ta-da, my first time driving a 993. I am a […]
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
I always support friends and businesses in whatever endeavors I find great. Case in point, Sweet Boy, a small company created by my friend Colin. I can’t believe we used to go drifting together and it feels like a lifetime ago. Thanks for creating this amazing journal and motivating me to get back on the […]
Sunday, March 14, 2021
*You can’t tell that I am smiling as I am typing this* Finally got the S13 AC condensor, lines and air fryer out of storage. I cannot wait to get AC fully functioning in the s13. Wohoo! Still praying everything works out great.
Monday, February 22, 2021
One can dream right? But first, a Porsche I absolutely adore and can afford first. Lambo one day, far far in the future, like in 20 years if I am still alive. Currently, I am a total Porsche girl. Got caught by the Porsche . For now, I’ll continue taking pictures and gawking over a […]
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Made an escape from covid lockdown to drive down PCH and this beautiful silver lambo caught my attention. WOWZERS!!! I drove past it and turned around just to take a selfie. I am sure I am not the only one that has done this, selfies with exotic cars are normal no? Either way, I don’t […]
Friday, January 15, 2021
There is just something about the G wagon, I like. I am going to say it’s because it’s square shaped that’s why I think it’s beautiful. It matches my squared nails. I heard it’s not that comfy inside, never been in one. One day…